Friday 11 May 2012

Here is a Coca-Cola Zero ad, that summarizes brilliantly how gen Y was raised and became tech savvy, demanding experience with every purchased. Gen Y believes that they can do anything and be anything. They now believe they deserve to live first and work second.

The ad is build on one simple idea that all Millennials will immediately recognize and identify with.
Ad shows a young man who has grown up knowing the power of the word “And”. A plain ice cream, with the word “And” leads to candy. A skateboarding dog with the word “And” leads to stardom. A job with the word “And” comes with shares. Service at the store leads to further service. But when it comes to drinking Coke Zero, there’s only one word on Chad’s lips.


  1. This is very useful but if you are going to use it you will have to reference it properly rsaling ....

  2. this comment is for your other post Reaching Gen Y
